Wednesday, July 6, 2022

The agreement of home and school language is artificial. 家庭と学校の言語の一致は人為的なものです。家庭和學校語言的一致是人為的。

I went to my daughters' school for class observation. The children were operating tablets with an operation system in the language they speak at home. (Not my daughters, but they are special cases.) On the way home, I went to Tsutaya, which was full of books written in the same language as the one people are speaking at home. This is a rarity in most parts of the world. A lot of people are not literate or not very comfortable with reading in the home language. Or not many books are available in that language. If you go to a regular bookstore in the Philippines, for example, where many people are literate in their own vernaculars, most books being sold are in English. 

The agreement of home and school language is artificial. Many regional tongues were eradicated over several generations. Many Taiwanese people of my age and above learned Taiwanese at home, became exposed to Mandarin for the first time on the first day of kindergarten, but now they're practically monolingual in Mandarin. In Japan the process happened one generation earlier. Nowadays, this kind of "forced" language shift is considered to be not good. But the shift towards the dominant language in society seems to happen regardless of government policy. For example, Taiwan officially adopts multilingualism, and mother tongue classes are offered in many minority languages. But the language shift towards Mandarin seems unstoppable, even for the ethnic Hokkien who make up more than 60% of the population. 

私はクラスの観察のために娘の学校に行きました。子供たちは、自宅で話す言語のオペレーティングシステムでタブレットを操作していました。 (娘はそうではありませんが、それは特例です。)帰りに、家で話しているのと同じ言語で書かれた本がたくさんある蔦屋に行きました。これは世界のほとんどの地域で珍しいことです。多くの人は、母国語での読書に読み書きができないか、あまり快適ではありません。または、その言語で利用できる本は多くありません。たとえば、フィリピンの通常の書店に行くと、多くの人が自分の母語で読み書きができますが、販売されている本のほとんどは英語です。


我去我女兒的學校進行課堂觀察。孩子們正在用他們在家說的語言操作帶有操作系統的平板電腦。 (不是我的女兒,但她們是特例。)在回家的路上,我去了蔦屋,那裡堆滿了與人們在家裡說的同一種語言寫的書。這在世界大部分地區都是罕見的。很多人無法或不太習慣用母語閱讀。或者該語言的書籍不多。例如,如果你去菲律賓的一家普通書店,那裡有很多人會讀自己的母語,那麼出售的大多數書都是英文的。

家庭和學校語言的一致是人為的。許多地方語言在幾代人中被根除。很多我這個年紀以上的台灣人在家學台語,上幼兒園第一天第一次接觸華語,現在基本都是華語單語使用者。在日本,這一過程發生在一代人之前。如今,這種“強制”的語言轉換被認為是不好的。但是,無論政府政策如何,向社會主流語言的轉變似乎都會發生。例如,台灣正式採用多語制,母語課程以多種少數民族語言提供。但語言向華語的轉變似乎勢不可擋,即使對於佔人口 60% 以上的閩南人來說也是如此。

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