Friday, December 31, 2021

Is Taiwanese Hokkien a non-colonial language? 台湾語は非植民言語か?

I've heard some people classify Taiwanese Hokkien (hereafter Hokkien), Hakka, and Austronesian languages as local or indigenous languages, and Japanese and Mandarin as external or colonial languages. (It is interesting why English is not included in the list of colonial languages, but that is a topic for another blog post.)

So, is Hokkien really a non-colonial language?

Today, most people who have grown up in households where Hokkien is spoken identify themselves as Taiwanese or Holo. 

But if we look at history, we find that there were also Teochew and Hokchiu people in pre-Japanese Taiwan. The former is remotely related to Hokkien, while the latter is a totally different language. Tamsui, the English name for the port town in northern Taiwan, is a transliteration of the Hokchiu sound. Those people assimilated into the Hokkien mainstream, abandoning their original languages.

Also, it is well-known that Pepo tribes, e.g. Ketagalan, Kavalan, Siraya, etc., have shifted linguistically from their original Austronesian languages to Hokkien.

The same kind of shift is happening right at this moment. More and more Taiwanese people are adopting Mandarin as their dominant language, through which they express their Taiwanese identity and sense of belonging. As the government is pushing forwards its Bilingual Nation 2030 (BN30) policy, there may even be a further shift from Mandarin to English several decades down the road.

So, is it fair to say that Mandarin is a colonial language in Taiwan while Hokkien is not? Well, I think it's fairer to say they both are "colonial" languages if you insist on using that term.








Sunday, December 19, 2021












Friday, December 17, 2021




Thursday, December 9, 2021

Tâi-gí ah-sī Tâi-gú?

Bé-á Góa iáu-sī bô bóe che, put-chí sī in-ūi Góa bōe chhēng T-shirt, chú-iàu sī in-ūi bô siá "Tâi-gú."

Sunday, November 28, 2021








Sunday, November 21, 2021

Prof. Higgins of Hokkien

Professor Higgins of Hokkien

A great sociolinguist and dialectologist of Taiwan

He started his Ph.D. when he was 50 years old!

He was able to tell the host's Hokkien was learned, not acquired 😆

I was inspired by Prof. Ang Uijin's work back in the late 90s when I was trying to learn Hokkien.

If Stephen Kranshen is right...

This was the first time I attended a Hokkien mass really "attentively" for the first time. 

It was doubly tiring! But I think I did OK given that I had practiced the day before.

I understood about 60 to 70% of the homily. If Stephen Krashen is right, I will be super proficient in Hokkien soon (hopefully)! 

After mass, I chatted with the priest.

He who had a Chiang-chiu accent during the mass, actually had a Choân-chiu accent when chatting informally! He is actually from Pak-tâu, which is a Tâng-oaⁿ accent area, a heavier accent than Siā-á for that matter! (Siā-á/Āu-káng Tâng-oaⁿ accent is closer to Taipei Standard accent, without centralized vowels.)

Perhaps owing to the fact that Hokkien mass is more prevalent in southern Taiwan, Chiang-chiu accent is uniformly used for masses: For example sèⁿ-miā, Goán, etc.

Anyway, I will go with the flow. 

After that, I went along with some of the parishioners there to Shilin parish, where there was a pān-toh for Christ the King.

An Indonesian choir was performing. They were awesome!

The youth group performed a dance to the tune of "Kimetsu." It's popular even here 😮

U.S. “spy” plane over Au-káng-kîⁿ?

 民國34年美軍拍的後港墘 (English follows below)





An aerial photo of Āu-káng-kîⁿ taken by US forces in 1945

You can see that Lane 277 was THE major thoroughfare!

And the temple in the corner wasn’t there. (Of course, you guys remember that!)

Au-káng was part of Siā-á back then (this explains your Tang-oaⁿ accent 😆) and the area of activity mainly extended north-south along the river.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

Connecting with the past in written language

I’ve been wondering why Taiwanese people seem so oblivious about their mother tongues dying out, and I realize that they still retain their connection to the ancient past through the written language, even though spoken languages have changed countless times already.


Tâi-gí mass training session in 社子天主堂


Many of us in northern Taiwan are not familiar with Tâi-gí liturgy, so we need practice!

Friday, November 19, 2021

 Kanji lover's paradise


Super old artefacts from almost a millenia before Christ bear inscriptions which are related to the current kanjis still in use by all the people here in Taiwan. Amazing!

Wednesday, November 17, 2021

What LPP can teach us about BN30

I recently attended a conference here in Taipei where many discussions were over the Bilingual Nation 2030 (BN30) policy of Taiwan. Prior to attending the conference, I happened to have re-read books about Language Policy and Planning (LPP). This was helpful for coming up with some personal observations about the policy. Here are the three takeaways from the conference, informed by findings in LPP studies.  

Number one: Two languages can never coexist stably in the same domain in the same society. Therefore, trying to teach content knowledge in two languages at the same time may end up to be a futile effort unless done very skillfully. The only way for multiple languages to coexist in one society is for those languages to be used in different domains. Within the context of elementary and secondary education in Taiwan, it seems that the main vehicle for conveying content knowledge will be Mandarin; while English will be used for classroom interactions. 

Number two: It is very difficult to make people change their linguistic behavior, unless using very coercive means. Actually, Taiwan already is a very rare example of success. Under the high-handed one-party rule by the KMT, Mandarin successfully supplanted Hokkien (a.k.a Taiwanese), Japanese, and other indigenous languages in Taiwan because there was a large-scale stigmatization campaign of the latter by the government. As the democratization advanced, millions of dollars and massive effort went into revitalizing Hokkien, Hakka and aboriginal languages, but the attrition of those languages has been unstoppable. On the other hand, people tend to voluntarily shift towards the language with higher prestige that promises economic gain and ability to communicate with the larger society. This is why many Hakkas abandoned their language in favor of Hokkien, and later, Mandarin. What the KMT government succeeded in doing was artificially creating a situation where Mandarin became the prestige language. So, if English proves to be a language with real prestige and utility, people will jump at it without any coercion. (This may especially be the case, after hearing in the conference of a finding that very small percentage of Taiwanese people were worried that adopting English would threaten their cultural identity.)

Number three: Immersion approach may work best in changing the linguistic behavior of the next generation. In direct contradiction to the mainstream voice in the profession which claims using the learner's L1 to scaffold their L2 learning is the most efficient method, L2-only immersion programs are known to produce good results, where children acquired high proficiency in L2 while maintaining L1. However, it must be noted that many of these immersion success stories originate from locations where children get a lot of exposure to both languages outside classroom. It also presupposes that there is a sufficient number of teachers highly proficient in L2. 

Based on the above points, here are some observations about the prospects of BN30. If the goal of the policy is to shift the medium of instruction (MoI) from Mandarin to English, the chance of success does not seem very high under the current approach. (Indeed, the policy statement of the Taiwanese government states that one of the main goals of the policy is to increase the number of students who are capable to attending English as a medium of instruction (EMI) courses in universities.) It  may succeed, though, in replacing Mandarin with English as the language of classroom interaction between teachers and students, while the medium for imparting content knowledge remains Mandarin. This will create a situation hitherto non-existent in Taiwan, namely, English being used as a language for domestic communication, albeit in limited domains. It may have an indirect effect of creating a generation more predisposed to learning English further, so as to enter EMI programs in higher education. In any case, it is essential for the government to clarify the goals of BN30 in more concrete terms, and adopt measures that are more finely tuned to accomplish them. 

Sunday, November 7, 2021

Parishes in Yunlin with prominent vocations

Chúi-bé (水尾) parish is in Lunbei, Yunlin County. The entire village is surnamed Chung and catholic. So this small parish is like their family church. Even the current archbishop of Taipei is from this parish!

It was founded by a local couple who were lay catechists. Lay catechists are important!

In nearby village of Chhiú-á-kha (樹仔腳;饒平), there is also a prominent parish that produced a lot of vocations.

In the churchyard, there's a big open space for pān-toh. It must seldom rain here!

Thank you, Fr Chang Chin-chen, for your warm hospitality!

Monday, November 1, 2021



Ruins of Todos Los Santos in San Salvador (Keelung)


The post city of Keelung used to be called San Salvador when it was under Spanish occupation. Several years ago, archeologists found the ruins of the Dominican Church of All Saints (Todos los Santos) under a parking lot. They also found human remains and some items including a cross. It was here that Japanese Dominican missionaries from Manila were formed before being sent to Japan only to be martyred there. All the saints, particularly the Dominican missionaries who worked evangelization of Japan, pray for us!

By the way, had the Spaniards not been kicked out by the Dutch, Taiwan would have been part of the Philippines today. The local Basay language belongs to the Malayo-Polynesian (Austronesian) language family and shares many similarities with Philippine languages. For example, "ulan" means rain in both Basay and Tagalog! Besides, the Spaniards brought in many Kapampangans from central Luzon to fight against the invading Dutch. And even today, there are many guest workers from the Philippines all over Taiwan, including Keelung.

Thursday, October 28, 2021



Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Imminent death of Taiwanese Hokkien?

Only 7.4% of kids in Taiwan speak Taiwanese. This is the generation that grew up decades after the government started spending a lot of money to promote non-Mandarin languages, including for Taiwanese as a subject in elementary education. Why does Taiwanese keep receding while Taiwan identity continues to spread? Why are parents with strong Taiwan identity choosing to raise their kids in the language of Beijing? There has to be a better explanation than that the KMT’s language policy, which ended ages ago, was extremely successful. #imminentdeathoftaiwanese

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

Re editorial of Taipei Times: Language is not just a tool

My comment after reading the Taipei Times editorial on a legislator who insisted on speaking Hokkien:

While it's true that language is not just a tool but a marker of identity, it remains to be seen if pragmatic Taiwanese people will accept the inconvenience of having to communicate among themselves through interpreters, while already having a lingua franca they all understand. Just as Hokkien became the language of Taiwanese identity by replacing numerous other languages both Sinitic and Austronesian, Mandarin does have a chance to become a language of Taiwanese identity once day. Or perhaps it already has.

Friday, October 1, 2021

Mandarin now endonormative in Taiwan

Standard Mandarin used to be exonormative in Taiwan, but the norm giver later moved to the island, and then lost the mainland. Today, unless you are opposed to it for ideological reasons, Taiwan Mandarin is entirely endonormative in Taiwan, and has even become the "language of the heart" especially for the younger generation both domestically and among the diaspora.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

EU型と米国型の対立!?多様性 vs. 民主!?

EU型と米国型の対立!?多様性 vs. 民主!?今回の基進の陳議員と邱国防大臣の衝突は、簡単に言うと、以下の2つの立場の摩擦ではないか。台湾の人々がどっちの道を選ぶのか、注目していきたいです:

Friday, August 27, 2021


















余談ですが、今、日本に住んでいる福建省出身の人の多くは、福州の近くの福清の出身だそうです。そっちの方(福建省の北東部)は、アモイ語とは似ても似つかない言語を喋っています。福建省の言葉なのだから、彼らは自分たちが喋っているのを福建語というかもしれませんが、東南アジアでいう福建語や台湾語とは全然違う言葉で、全く通じないのであしからず。マレーシアのサラワクや、インドネシアの一部で話しているやつと近くて、Hokchiu とかHokchiaとか呼んでいます。台湾が有効支配している馬祖諸島でもこれに近いものを話しています。厳密には、福清語と福州語は違うが、福清人は多くが両方のバイリンガルだとも聞きます。福建省ではこの言語を話す人のほうがアモイ語を話す人より多いそうですが、東南アジアではマイナーな言語で、一部の群居地を除いては、周辺でメジャーな言葉に吸収されているようです。







