Sunday, April 10, 2022

絶滅した台湾シラヤ語を復活させようとするフィリピン人 A Taiwan-Philippine couple trying to revive Siraya


When Martin Luther translated the Bible into vernacular, he had to choose one particular dialect of a Germanic dialect continuum. Thanks to the printing press, a lot of people read this Bible, even though what they spoke may have been different from the dialect used in it. Later on, that dialect developed into standard German. 

Protestants seem to have a "one language, one Bible, one nation" ideology. That's partly how the big European dialect continuum eventually became separated into established "national languages" like French, Italian, etc. That's also why western protestant missionaries had to make Bible translations in different dialects of China. But when they did that, just as in Europe, they also had to choose one particular dialect; in most cases, that of the major city in that area. For example, for Southern Min, they chose the dialect of Amoy, a hybrid dialect between Choan-chiu and Chiong-chiu dialects, which is still used in Bible translations in Taiwan. 

The article I share here is about a Taiwanese Pepo and Filipino Visayan couple who are working very hard to revive Siraya, an extinct Pepo language. They are quoted as saying they're doing it because Martin Luther said every person should be able to worship in the language of his own people. I think Luther wanted every people to be able to read the Bible in their "heart language." But when you have grown up speaking Taiwanese Hokkien and Taiwan Mandarin, aren't these your "heart language" already? 

シェアした記事は、今は 絶滅した台南のシラヤ語を、17世紀のオランダ人が訳したマタイ福音書を使って復興し、小学生に教えているフィリピン人の話:




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