Wednesday, April 20, 2022




Sunday, April 17, 2022




  1. 強力なイデオロギーを持っている人しか、保存のために動いていない。
  2. その強力なイデオロギー故、学者同士でコンセンサスが成立しない。
  3. 復興の為に必要な、一種類の権威ある方言を選んで標準化し、教育やメディアを通してそれを普及させるというやり方自体が、彼らが長年反対・抵抗してきたもので、自己矛盾している。しかも民主的で価値観が多様化した台湾では実行不能。
  4. 台湾では、各エスニックグループに公平な共通言語としての北京語の価値が存在する。
  5. 台湾語と台湾アイデンティティが乖離している。












Can Taiwanese be revived? Five reasons why it's an uphill struggle

 I'll discuss here if Taiwanese (Hokkien) can be revived, not if it should be.

When a language becomes just one of the subjects at school, used in speech contests and cultural performances, but not used in families as the primary language, we say it has been folklorized. On the surface, it looks like the language is being celebrated as rich cultural artefact. But in fact, its vitality is pretty much all gone. A cynical way of looking at it would be to say that the governments already feels safe about promoting that language, because it knows that it is no longer a threat. Breton of France and Ainu of Japan come to mind. Building a museum, uploading popular anime dubbed in that language on YouTube, and adding that language to the bus stop announcements will do little to revive it. You will be doubtful if I say Taiwanese will become like that, I know. But the fact that Taiwanese is attriting at an unforeseen speed since it became a school subject 30 years ago. So can Taiwanese be rescued? My answer is rather negative, mainly for the following five reasons:

  1. Only those driven by strong ideology are actively working for its preservation;
  2. Precisely because of such strong ideologies, specialists can't agree with each other on how and what should be preserved;
  3. The very idea of selecting one dialect and granting prestige to it so that it can be promoted through media and education contradicts with what they have been fighting so hard against;
  4. Mandarin has a hidden value as the first island-wide lingua franca of Taiwan;
  5. Taiwanese is no longer tied to Taiwan identity.
Reason 1
Strong ideology is prerequisite to language revitalization, said Joshua Fishman, Jewish sociolinguist and Yiddish-revivalist. I bet you have seldom come across a Taiwanese person who insists on speaking only in Taiwanese regardless of who they are talking to including their own children, even though it would be easier even for himself to use Mandarin. The Taiwanese are friendly and not known to inconvenience others for the sake of their own ideology.

Reasonable parents prioritize practicality. And the practical choice is to use Mandarin. Not that they don't think Taiwanese is important; but studies have found time and again that parents thought English was more important for their children than Taiwanese. So a regular Taiwanese parent would be satisfied that their child is now taught Taiwanese folk songs and traditional stories at school as now that Taiwanese is a school subject, and carry on speaking to their children in Mandarin. The consequence of this, of course, is a generation of Taiwanese who don't speak Taiwanese well. 

Reason 2
One of the reasons why school education in Taiwanese is unsuccessful is that its orthography has been changed so often. (We put aside for now the fact that Taiwanese people tend to place much less importance on romanized scripts than on Chinese characters.) The specialists with strong ideologies I talked about above cannot reach a compromise and agree on what romanized system to teach children. After all, each scholar has spent years developing his own system of romanization. Another example would be the scholars of National Cheng Kung University launching their own Taiwanese proficiency test, because they are not happy with the Hokkien Proficiency Test developed by the Ministry of Education in Taipei. So this resulted in the government adopting a romanization system nobody is familiar with, sacrificing the Pe̍h-ōe-jī invented by foreign missionaries and has been in use for over a century with lots of available publications. 

Now that I mentioned this: I've been uncritically using the term Taiwanese so far in this post. The specialists can't even agree on what to call the language! Each of the following terms have strong proponents and opponents: Hokkien, Taiwanese Hokkien, Taiwanese, Holo, Hoklo, Southern Min. That's why I've chosen to stick to the popular terms, even if they may not be academically accurate. 

Reason 3
The next difficulty is the self-contradictory nature of the revivalist arguments. Ir order for Taiwanese to become a language that can be promoted in many domains including formal ones, it first needs to be standardized. Standardization means selecting one variety among many, making authoritative grammars, dictionaries, unified orthography, technical terminology, etc. Only then it can be promoted in schools, media, etc. and it will be to the exclusion of other varieties. In other words, that's what the KMT did to Mandarin in China, and then, in Taiwan. This also happens to be precisely what those language activists have been fighting so fiercely against for so many years. 

The Taiwanese revivalists may argue that it's different: Mandarin is an external language while Taiwanese, is an indigenous one. Or is it really so? Didn't Taiwanese originate from Fujian in China? This kind of circular argument is also seen in countries like the Philippines over English. If you insist that Taiwanese is OK and Mandarin is not, even when both are Chinese languages, then how can you be so sure that you are not, in any sense, being racist?

Even if we do decide that Taiwanese is somehow different from Mandarin, and therefore it's OK to coerce people into using it, it is highly unlikely that such a high-handed method is workable in today's democratic Taiwan. 

Reason 4
We also have to take into account the pull-factors of Mandarin. If people willingly chose to use Mandarin, there must have been some benefits to using it. And that benefit is the fact that Mandarin is the first Taiwan-wide lingua franca, minus Japanese which was not really Taiwan-wide (its use was limited largely to well-educated sectors typically in urban areas). Taiwanese (Hokkien), especially for Hakka people, is just one of the ethnic languages in Taiwan. Mandarin, is equally foreign to both Taiwanese and Hakka speakers, but is far more accessible to both than Japanese is, since they are all Sinitic languages. And as Taiwan became increasingly modernized and people became ever more mobile, there really was a need for a Taiwan-wide lingua franca. Taiwanese people may not have chosen Mandarin voluntarily, but it happened to come in handy. This again is similar to the role of English in the Philippines and India. 

Reason 5
As I have already discussed, parents are not choosing Taiwanese as their home language. But it doesn't mean they think this situation is good. Nobody in his right mind would say grand parents and grand children not being able to communicate with each other is a good thing. The reality is that parents do think preserving the Taiwan identity through Taiwanese is important, but when it boils down to a zero sum game, they would rather choose Mandarin (or even English, for that matter). Fishman would say, then, promote Taiwanese ideology harder. And that's exactly what the government has been trying, it seems. But there's a reason why this may not work: the separation of the Taiwanese language and Taiwan identity.  

Taiwanese people have appropriated Mandarin, and turn it into a medium suited for conveying their cultures and ideas. And it doesn't belong only to the Hokken-speakers, who make up less than 70% of the population. This is why President Tsai, considered a champion of Taiwan identity, makes her public statements in Mandarin. 

There's another added advantage to Mandarin. Unlike Taiwanese, which is still in an agonizing phase of being standardized, Mandarin already is a standardized language, with a more or less fixed writing convention. In fact, it is quite unthinkable in many countries in Asia that, when you walk into a bookstore, almost all books are in the same language as the one that people are speaking on the streets, as is the case in Taiwan. 

Having said all these five reasons above, the folklorized TV programs, events, speech contests, etc. in Taiwanese will continue. And the practice of Mandarin-based code-mixing with insertions here and there from Taiwanese, is already becoming the norm.  

We should also be careful not to be just celebratory about Mandarin in Taiwan. There is a pitfall. Suffice it to say here that there are risks to sharing the same language with a gigantic cultural content provider with little freedom of speech, which also happens to be your next door neighbor, and by the way, is your country's archenemy. It is possible to argue that the current Bilingual Nation policy is an attempt to preempt this danger. A topic for another time. 

Japanese version of this article:

Sunday, April 10, 2022



First Taiwanese newspaper and English school

English text follows. 台文佇咧下跤 Tâi-bûn tī-leh ē-kha 1885年(清光緒11年)に台湾人と日本人に初めて正式に英語を教えた台南市の長栄中学を4月上旬に訪問しました。台湾語ローマ字で書かれた当時の成績表や、日本時代(Anglo-Japanese College)に使われていた、日本発行の英語教科書など、興味深い資料を見せていただきました。また、校長先生には1985年に発行された、長栄中学百年史という貴重な資料をご提供いただきました。台湾の英語教育の発祥地は今、小学校から高校までバイリンガル教育を施す国際科もできています。近くにある台湾神学校の歴史資料館でも、バークレー(巴克禮)牧師によって台湾で初めて印刷された台湾語新聞など、興味深い展示がありました。Hóng-būn kui-Tâi-oân siōng-chá kà Tâi-oân-lâng kap Jit-pún-lâng Eng-gí ê Tiong-eng Tiong-ha̍k. Khòaⁿ-tio̍h Tâi-gí siá ê seng-jik pió, Ji̍t-pún chhut-pán ê Eng-bûn khò-pún téng-téng chin-chē chin-chhù-bī ê chu-liāu. Ha̍k-tiúⁿ koh sàng Góa chi̍t-pún1985 nî chhut-pán ê kùi-tiōng chu-liāu "Tióng-êng Tiong-ha̍k 100 Nî Sú."  Tâi-oân Eng-gí kàu-io̍k khai-sí ê só͘-chāi chit-má koh ū choân Eng-gí ê sió-ha̍k kah ko-tiong. Tī-leh hù-kīn ê Tâi-oân Sîn-ha̍k-īⁿ koh ē-tàng khòaⁿ tio̍h Pak-hak-lé bo̍k-su chhut-pán ê Tâi-oân siōng-chá Tâi-gí pò-chóa téng-téng chin chhù-bī ê tián-sī. 

Chang Jung High School, formerly Anglo-Japanese College; the place where English was first formerly taught to Taiwanese and Japanese students. On my early April visit, I was able to see many interesting exhibits including transcript written in romanized Taiwanese, English textbook published in Japan, etc. The birthplace of English education in Taiwan now hosts bilingual schools from elementary to senior high levels. At the historic archive of the Taiwan Seminary nearby, you can see interesting exhibits such as the earliest romanized Taiwanese newspaper printed in Taiwan. 


絶滅した台湾シラヤ語を復活させようとするフィリピン人 A Taiwan-Philippine couple trying to revive Siraya


When Martin Luther translated the Bible into vernacular, he had to choose one particular dialect of a Germanic dialect continuum. Thanks to the printing press, a lot of people read this Bible, even though what they spoke may have been different from the dialect used in it. Later on, that dialect developed into standard German. 

Protestants seem to have a "one language, one Bible, one nation" ideology. That's partly how the big European dialect continuum eventually became separated into established "national languages" like French, Italian, etc. That's also why western protestant missionaries had to make Bible translations in different dialects of China. But when they did that, just as in Europe, they also had to choose one particular dialect; in most cases, that of the major city in that area. For example, for Southern Min, they chose the dialect of Amoy, a hybrid dialect between Choan-chiu and Chiong-chiu dialects, which is still used in Bible translations in Taiwan. 

The article I share here is about a Taiwanese Pepo and Filipino Visayan couple who are working very hard to revive Siraya, an extinct Pepo language. They are quoted as saying they're doing it because Martin Luther said every person should be able to worship in the language of his own people. I think Luther wanted every people to be able to read the Bible in their "heart language." But when you have grown up speaking Taiwanese Hokkien and Taiwan Mandarin, aren't these your "heart language" already? 

シェアした記事は、今は 絶滅した台南のシラヤ語を、17世紀のオランダ人が訳したマタイ福音書を使って復興し、小学生に教えているフィリピン人の話:


