Friday, August 5, 2022

The power of government sanction

The power of government sanction: Tâi-lô, the system advocated by the Taiwanese Ministry of Education, is quickly replacing the century-old Pe̍h-ōe-jī, surprisingly even in Malaysia and the Philippines. POJ is a well-established system with lots of publications. This shows what really counts is official recognition and promotion by a government, despite the fact that this alienates proponents of other systems. It is so ironic: The whole point about Taiwan switching from POJ to Tailo was to detach itself from the rest of the Sinosphere. What it actually did was to unwittingly "unite" the rest of the Hokken-speaking world. It's probably why Taiwan is now promoting Chinese-characters-based writing system, which is not readily available to non-Chinese-educated Southeast Asians.

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Advantage of Chinese over Japanese 日本語に対する中国語の利点 中文優於日文的優勢

An advantage of Chinese over Japanese: The meanings of the scientific names of dinosaurs are apparent, even without knowledge of Latin and Greek. For example Brachiosaurus is 腕龍, which literally means "arm dragon." 

An advantage of Japanese over Chinese: Despite meaning of katakana being obscure, Japanese users have easy access to western literature on dinosaurs because the names sound substantially the same. 

日本語に対する中国語の利点: ラテン語やギリシャ語の知識がなくても、恐竜の学名の意味は明らかです。たとえば、ブラキオサウルスは腕龍で、文字通り「腕の龍」を意味します。

中国語に対する日本語の利点: カタカナの意味が不明であるにもかかわらず、日本人ユーザーは名前が実質的に同じように聞こえるため、恐竜に関する西洋の文献に簡単にアクセスできます.



Written Taiwanese in movie subtitles 映画字幕の台湾語

Groundbreaking! Written Taiwanese, in a mixture of Chinese characters and romanized alphabet, as currently promoted by the government, accompanied solely by English, with no Mandarin in sight. In a children’s film at the National Taiwan museum. 国立台湾博物館で今日撮りました。画期的です。子供向けの映画で、教育部が推進している漢字ローマ字混じりの台湾語と英語のみの字幕。北京語は全くありません。

Tuesday, July 19, 2022

A "Russian doll" problem 2

I heard a teacher in southern Philippines complain that she now had to deal with three "foreign" languages instead of two. Previously, she and her students only had to struggle with Filipino and English. Now, in addition to that, she also has to deal with a variety of Cebuano which differs from the local vernacular. Only because the government designated her area to be part of the Cebuano-speaking region. 

A "Russian doll" problem 1

To revitalize a minority language, someone first has to pick one of the many existing varieties, develop it, codify it, write a grammar in it, make a dictionary in it, and teach it to promote it. People who speak other varieties of the same language feel disenfranchised. And they resist the top-down imposition of a "foreign" variety. Actually, the promoters of the minority language is doing exactly what they opposed and resisted when done by the promoter of the majority language. 

Monday, July 18, 2022

Do Taiwanese speakers consider themselves Hokkien speakers?

Taiwanese Hokkien speakers in Taiwan, despite speaking substantially the same language, do not normally consider themselves to be belonging to the same speech community as the Hokkien speakers in Southeast Asia and Fujian Province in China. The reverse is probably also true, seen from the fact that Hokkien speakers from the Philippines customarily use Mandarin to communicate with Taiwanese speakers, despite their respective languages being mutually intelligible.

Sunday, July 17, 2022


中文最大的好處是簡潔。日翻中,長度變三分之一。以前寫漢字費時,現在打字沒差。讀得快,想得快。我在日本工作,行程表都用中文寫,工作變得有效率。Try saying this in Japanese.


インターネットによると、市場をpa-satと言ったり、お金をlúiと言うらしい。これはシンガポールやマレーシアなど、南洋の福建語と同じ。ただ、今の若い世代が使うかどうかは不明。台湾閩南語の影響を受けてchhài-chhī-á, chhîⁿと言うようになるのか、それとも馬祖のように完全に北京語にシフトするのか、今後の動向が注目される。

Saturday, July 16, 2022

Language can alienate too

A language can connect but can alienate as well. When writing a post in Taiwanese, I may be unwittingly alienating my Taiwanese friends. Not only because they can't read it, but also because it can be interpreted as a gesture of intolerance. I noticed that many people who post on Facebook in Taiwanese often denigrate Mandarin users in Taiwan. However, they themselves may be far more proficient in Mandarin than in Taiwanese. If they write in POJ, their message of denigration cannot be conveyed to their targets, so they write in Chinese characters. I suspect that they would not dare speak to strangers in Taiwanese when in in-person communication situations. That's why Mandarin keeps spreading and Taiwanese keeps on declining. 






With all due respect to the indigenous communities and without intending to sound overly cynical, this is more of a gesture of respect than a practical measure.



This post is in Japanese and may have been inaccurately machine translated into your language. 4月に台南へ出張した際、ついでに台湾歴史博物館を訪れました。北に故宮(中華文化の殿堂)あれば、南に台歴博(台湾本位の殿堂)、です。展示はスペイン、オランダ時代から始まり、地理的台湾を中心にしたナラティブです。仕事でちょっとアフリカーンス語を習ったので、オランダ語の史料が興味深かったです。全体的には、日本時代がポジティブな黄金時代だったかのような印象を受ける展示です。日本時代は記憶が新しいので、史料が多いのはわかりますが。抗日運動や先住民虐殺事件などについては、日本側の記録と住民側のパースペクティブが並行的に展示されていて、そこはバランスが取れていると思いました。ところが戦後については、国民党の一党独裁による土着文化弾圧と、それに対抗する民主化運動の貢献がとても簡潔に展示されいるだけで、そこはバランスが欠ける、と感じました。私は台湾史の専門家ではなく、またセンシティブな内容なので、個人的な感想を投稿しようかどうか迷いましたが、せっかく台湾で過ごした時間の記録として残しておくことにしました。参観後、新幹線の駅に行ってみると、大停電が発生し大変な混乱でした。長栄中学に頂いた重い史料を担いだまま長時間立たされ、手のしびれが数週間続きました。長年生活した経験からいうと、台湾はとても効率的な社会で、こういうことは珍しいです。

Wednesday, July 13, 2022


This article is in Japanese. If you are not reading it in Japanese, it may have been inaccurately machine translated. 台湾に戻ったあとの隔離が必要ないとのことで、6月上旬に福建省の金門島に行って来ました。中国アモイ市からたった1.8キロという、中華民国統治の最前線です。








