People are discussing their experiences with friendly Taiwanese people. Here’s my contribution. One time I visited an indigenous village in Hualian for the harvest festival. I took a taxi from the train station. Once in the village, I was introduced to an old gentleman who spoke fluent Japanese. Unsurprisingly, he invited me to his house. Unsurprisingly, he showed me photos in Japanese military uniform, sang Japanese military songs and recited the Kyoiku Chokugo. The home altar showed the family was catholic. There was a Japanese bible and a hymn book in their native language but transcribed in katakana. I also saw a book of Bahai religion in Japanese. It was surprising how deep those Japanese missionaries of Bahai religion had penetrated!
After the festival I called a taxi to get back to the station. The same driver (Han Chinese) came. Instead of taking me to the station, she invited me to a dinner at her house. She said her mother spoke fluent Japanese and wanted somebody to speak Japanese with. She also insisted I taught some Japanese to her elementary school daughters. I politely declined because I had a train to catch and wanted to get back to Taipei. After a long period of futile persistence, she finally gave up. Instead, she stopped over at one of the most famous fried pork sparerib bento place and got me a dinner. She paid for it, of course. Plus, she probably gave me a discount on the taxi fare. I ate the bento in the train. Happy to know that Taiwan people haven’t changed a bit after all these years, reading all those posts.